13.10.2024 Sunday
15:00-20:00 Registration
18:00-20:00 Welcome glass of wine
14.10.2024 Monday
    Session 1 - Nitride emitters, new technologies, new applications Chair: U.T. Schwarz
08:50-09:00   Piotr Perlin Workshop opening  
09:00-09:40 I1.1 Åsa Haglund Stretching Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers into the deep-UV Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
09:40-10:20 I1.2 Chao Shen High-speed III-nitride laser based optical wireless communications Fudan University, China
10:20-10:40 O1.3 Muhammed Aktaş Polarization doped InGaN laser diodes Institute of High Pressure Physics , Poland
10:40-11:00 O1.4 Michał Leszczyński Multiwavelength laser diode arrays for the 3-d projectors without goggles Institute of High Pressure Physics , Poland
11:00-11:40 Coffee Break
    Session 2 - Quantum dots Chair: G. Sęk
11:40-12:20 I2.1 Gadi Eisenstein QD laser dynamics on ultrashort time scales: The quantum coherent regime Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
12:20-12:40 O.2.2 Wojciech Rudno-Rudziński InAs/InGaAlAs quantum dots grown on silicon for telecom laser applications: influence of dislocation filtering layers Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
12:40-13:00 O2.3 Kartik Gaur High-performance room-temperature lasing emission in photonic-defect semiconductor-dielectric hybrid microresonators with embedded InGaAs quantum dots Technical University Berlin, Germany
13:00-14:20 Lunch
    Session 3 - Laser diode fabrication and properties Chair: C. Shen
14:20-15:00 I3.1 Scott Watson Gallium nitride distributed feedback lasers Glasgow University, United Kingdom
15:00-15:20 O3.2 Magdalena Zadura Fabrication of nanostructures for GaN-based lasers   Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
15:20-15:40 O3.3 Adam Brejnak Improving emission of high indium content InGaN active layers by growth on microstructures Institute of High Pressure Physics , Poland
15:40-16:00 O3.4 Tristan Smołka Influence of interface diffusion on carrier dynamics in type II W-QWs Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
16:00-18:00 Poster Session - Beer
15.10.2024 Tuesday
    Session 4 - Neural networks Chair: C. Skierbiszewski
09:00-09:40 I4.1 Barbara Piętka Lasing from Perovskite Waveguides for Photonic Neuromorphic Networks University of Warsaw, Poland
09:40-10:20 I4.2 Daniel Brunner Scaling of size and learning in fully implemented and trained optical semiconductor laser neural networks FEMTO-ST, CNRS, France
10:20-10:40 O4.3 Krzysztof Tyszka Tuning of optical neural activation functions in VCSEL arrays. University of Warsaw, Poland
10:40-11:20 Coffee break
    Session 5 - VCSELs Chair: Å. Haglund
11:20-12:00 I5.1 Stefan Bittner Complex and chaotic dynamics of multimode VCSELs <span style="color:#444444;">Centrale Supélec, Campus de Metz, France</span>
12:00-12:20 O5.2 Marcin Gębski High-temperature performance of high-speed 940nm VCSELs for optical communication Lodz, University of Technology, Poland
12:20-12:40 O5.3 Magda Marcinak Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) with noncircular optical apertures Lodz, University of Technology, Poland
12:40-13:00 O5.4 Emilia Pruszyńska-Karbownik Subwavelength gratings made of transition metal dichalcogenides University of Warsaw, Poland
13:00-14:20 Lunch
    Session 6 - Quantum Cascade Lasers I Chair: A. Lyakh
14:20-15:00 I6.1 Boris Mizaikoff Cascade Lasers: Enabling Next-Generation Biophotonic Ulm University & Hahn-Schickard, Germany
15:00-15:20 I6.2 Kamil Pierściński Recent developments in QCL technology at Ł-IMIF Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
15:20-15:40 O6.3 Czesław Skierbiszewski Novel Architecture of UV Laser Diodes by Plasma Assisted MBE Institute of High Presure Physics, Poland
15:40-16:20 Coffee Break
    Session 7 - From Bose Einstein Condensation to advanced processing Chair: A. Kafar
16:20-16:40 I7.1 Maciej Pieczarka Bose-Einstein condensation of light in vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser -         the new operating mode in lasers Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
16:40-17:00 O7.2 Marek Ekielski Critical aspects of nanostructurization in laser technology Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
17:20-17:40 O7.3 Anna Duduś Realizing Fabrication of Emerging Photonic Devices by Nanoimprint Lithography EV Group, Austria
17:40-18:00 O7.4 Ewa Papis Polakowska Electrochemical passivation of type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors using octadecanethiol self-assembled monolayers Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
16.10.2024 Wednesday
    Session 8 - Quantum cascade lasers II Chair: B. Mizaikoff
08:40-09:20 I8.1 Fabian Hartman Interband Cascade Lasers beyond the sweet-spot operation Wuerzburg University, Germany
09:20-10:00 I8.2 Arkadiy Lyakh Progress in Quantum Cascade Laser Performance and Quantum Cascade Laser Integration onto Silicon Substrates University of Central Florida, USA
10:00-10:20 O8.3 Dominika Niewczas Optimization of high-reflection coatings designed for quantum cascade lasers power enhancement Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
10:20-10:40   Technolutions Sp. z o.o    
10:40-11:20 Coffee break
    Session 9 - VCSEL and more Chair: T. Czyszanowski
11:20-12:00 I9.1 Ulrich Schwarz Characterization and simulation of mode competition of longitudinal and lateral modes in broad area AlGaInN laser diodes Chemnitz University of Technology
12:00-12:20 O9.2 Marcin Gębski 940nm VCSELs grown on germanium substrates Lodz, University of Technology, Poland
12:20-12:40 O9.3 Mikołaj Janczak Numerical Characterization of MHCG VCSELs for Broad Wavelength Tuning Lodz, University of Technology, Poland
12:40-13:00 O9.3 Mikołaj Badura Innovative Vertical Cavity Lasers Utilizing InP Plasmonic DBRs Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
13:00-14:20 Lunch
  Sightseeing and networking
19:00-24:00 Gala dinner
17.10.2024 Thursday
    Session 10 - Laser diode physics Chair: K. Pierściński
10:00-10:40 I10.1 Alexander Dikopoltzev Manipulation of liquid light in fast-gain frequency-comb lasers ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
10:40-11:00 O10.2 Agata Bojarska-Cieślińska Optimal Number of InGaN Quantum Wells in Visible Light Emitters Institute of High Pressure Physics , Poland
11:00-11:20 O10.3 Chaowen Guan High modulation bandwidth blue superluminescent diode for visible light communications Fudan University, China
11:20:12:00 Coffee break
    Session 11 - Physics and technology of lasers Chair: G. Eisenstein
12:00-12:20 O11.1 Eunika Zielony Interaction between GaN nanowires and oxide shells for enhanced light emission Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
12:20-12:40 O11.2 Karolina Bogdanowicz Fabrication technology of extremely high transmission transparent electrode for unpolarized infrared light Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
12:40-13:00 O11.3 Aleksandra Piasecka Direct measurement of local thermodynamic properties of photons in a broad-area VCSEL Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
13:00-14:20 Lunch
    Session 12 - Advances in processing of nitride strucures Chair: S. Watson
14:20-15:00 I12.1 Anna Kafar Towards nitride semiconductors based photonic integrated circuits Institute of High Presure Physics, Poland
15:00-15:20 O12.2 Grzegorz Muzioł Air-claddings for extreme light confinement in GaN-based edge-emitting laser diodes Institute of High Presure Physics, Poland
15:20-15:40 O12.3 Krzysztof Gibasiewicz InGaN laser diodes with etched mirrors Institute of High Presure Physics, Poland
15:40-16:20 Coffee break
    Session 13 - Bound states in the continuum Chair: B. Piętka
16:20-16:40 O13.1 Tomasz Czyszanowski Lasing from true bound states in the continuum cavity compatible with standard semiconductor technology Lodz, University of Technology
16:40-17:00 O13.2 Tomasz Fąs Bound states in the continuum in the near UV regime University of Warsaw
17:00-17:20 O13.3 Weronika Głowadzka Experimental demonstration of Bound States in the Continuum in fully semiconductor Subwavelength Gratings Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
17:20-17:40   Piotr Perlin Closing address  
18.10.2024 Friday
07:00-09:00   Breakfast    
09:00-12:00   Departure    

14.10.2024 Monday Poster Session (16:20-18:00)
P1 Helena Janowska Calculating Reflectivity Spectra of Homoepitaxial  hBN-Based Distributed Bragg Reflector Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
P2 Paulina Szott Broad gain active region made of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots  optimized for tunable VCSELs to emit at 935 – 955 nm for water vapor detection Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
P3 Wioleta Słaba Development of coupon fabrication for effective Micro Transfer Printing of VCSEL structure Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
P4 Szymon Stańczyk Gain measurements using Hakki-Paoli method Institute of High Presure Physics, Poland
P5 Weronika Głowadzka Biosensors based on Bound States in the Continuum Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
P6 Michał Rygała Searching for efficiency in infrared distributed Bragg reflectors Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
P7 Agata Tołłoczko Influence of Bi concentration on the optical properties of narrow band gap In(As)Sb:Bi dilute alloy for mid-infrared emitters Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
P8 Aasooda Malik Probing photon condensation and lasing in an optically excited semiconductor microcavity Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
P9 Szymon Grzanka Laser diodes with AZO contacts Institute of High Presure Physics, Poland
P10 Magdalena Zadura A new type optical platform for the rapid detection of medical biomarkers Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
P11 Marek Ekielski Critical aspects of laser fabrication Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
P12 Jan Suffczyński Optical bound states in the continuum hosted by GaN-based subwavelength gratings Warsaw University
P13 Jan Muszalski Modes in multijunction large optical cavity laser diode Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
P14 Oliwia Gołyga Fabrication and integration of air/GaN diffraction gratings for blue DFB LDs Institute of High Presure Physics, Poland
P15 Łucja Marona Furthering our understanding of the aging mechanisms in nitride laser diodes Institute of High Presure Physics, Poland
P16 Agata Krząstek Influence of Quantum Cascade Laser Waveguide Geometry on Integration with Germanium-on-Silicon Waveguide Platform Łukasiewicz-IMiF, Poland
P17 Robert Czernecki The influence of NH3 flow on the thermal stability of green quantum wells deposited by MOVPE method. Institute of High Presure Physics, Poland